sustainability on the move (sotm)
Sustainability On The Move – Towards Sustainable Footprints In Your Learning Assignments
Sustainability on the move (sotm) is a peer-to-peer activation and coaching format aimed at exploring sustainability potential in learning assignments. Participants are encouraged to identify, describe and foster their commitment towards sustainability in their specific academic contexts.
Interested in participating and sharing insights among like-minded colleagues? Let’s interact; please contact me:! I am excited to hearing from you! Further information available under: sotm at a glance!
Free access to committed sotm participants. Registration takes place on a first-come, first-serve basis. Thanks to a blended-learning set-up consisting of both in-person and online sessions, it is open to scholars of several universities across the region and beyond.
Trained as sustainability manager at Leuphana, Dr. Martin Gerner, MBA embodies promising qualities for initiating, facilitating and coaching transformational learning in sustainability.
sotm aims at…
- knowing relevant concepts of sustainability, and being acquainted with related skills and transformational competences of learning through Education for Sustainable Development (ESD);
- considering and applying ESD-related aspects in designing thrilling learning assignments; and
- reflecting and sharing ESD-related experiences and practices in ESD perspective among peers.
sotm may yield promising effects in various ways, such as…
- gain unique hands-on experiences for your sustainability-driven learning assignments;
- shift your own, existing, academic agenda towards promising next practices for sustainability;
- apply your professional academic expertise in dedicated heart-and-soul settings; and/or
- learn how to make use of both reflecting and coaching techniques in future-skills’ contexts.
sotm ideally comprises two parts; both are designed as connecting modules, however, they may be joined and attended separately. sotm keeps you and us literally moving, i.e. following the peripatetic ideal of ancient Greek philosophers we are going to elaborate our ideas and concepts while being in/through motion, physically and mentally. Following our focused walks, please feel encouraged to stay connected for individual coaching possibilities.
Format | Buchbare Fort- und Weiterbildungen, Projekttage/-Wochen, Sonstiges |
Bildungsbereich | Hochschule, informelles/non-formales Lernen |
Themen | Themenübergreifend |
Kosten | nach Vereinbarung |
Dauer | individuell, nach Vereinbarung |
AnbieterprofilVerfügbar in den Landkreisen:
- Bautzen
- Chemnitz
- Dresden
- Erzgebirgskreis
- Görlitz
- Leipzig (Stadt)
- Leipzig
- Meißen
- Mittelsachsen
- Nordsachsen
- Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge
- Vogtlandkreis
- Zwickau
- Sachsenweit