BNE visual thinking

in English, by Bárbara Niño

Visual thinking can be described as the ability to organize ideas graphically. In the context of Education for sustainable Development such a tool can be powerful when we want to transfer knowledge, tell a story or explain complex topics. During this two days workshop the participants will be able to explore how to use visual thinking when leading groups activities.

During day one, we will talk about the importance of visual thinking and encourage participants to not be afraid of drawing thanks to simple drawing exercises.
During day two we will go full into practice. Starting by talking about materials and basic color theory. Then exploring visual elements such as basic shapes, arrows, text headers, facial expressions, and icons. And to close the workshop, participants will be asked to visualize a personal story, using everything they learned, and share it with the group.

As a take away participants will have all the tools necessary to create concept maps, Using tools like infographics, concept maps, timelines, charts, drawings, and other graphics to produce well-designed visual images is a much more powerful way to share experiences and knowledge than verbal or textual information alone.

Sign up here!


Wo? Leipzig
Format Veranstaltung
Zielgruppe Berufliche Bildung, informelles/non-formales Lernen
Themen BNE/GL strukturell verankern, SDG 04 | Bildung für alle, SDG 10 | Vielfalt, Partizipation, Menschenrechte, Themenübergreifend
Region Leipzig (Stadt)


Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V.

Kreuzstraße 74. Etage01067Dresden
