concept for the implementation of a virtual ESD exchange programme between Uganda and Saxony

The concept presented here serves as the basis for the implementation of a virtual ESD exchange programme between Uganda and Saxony (one of the federal states of Germany), which is planned from mid-2025. It was created by the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V. (Development Policy Network Saxony) in cooperation with the Ugandan organisation Katosi Women Development Trust.

The planned project is directed towards Saxon and Ugandan teachers, school principals, ESD experts and extracurricular ESD actors and enables participants to engage in a direct exchange with each other in order to discuss ESD-relevant content and approaches and the implementation in their own work or organisation and to learn from each other. The participants will be organised into working groups, with each dedicated to a specific focus. When the target group was surveyed during the conceptualisation phase, topics such as climate change, sustainable consumption and linking theory and practice were mentioned, as well as the desire to engage with ESD in the sense of a whole institution approach or to reflect on one’s own work in a power-critical manner. In addition, the concept describes the  opportunities the project offers with regard to a global orientation of ESD. Among other things, direct contact strengthens understanding and empathy for the different realities of life in Uganda and Saxony and the project contributes to the achievement of Global Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). The concept also describes which requirements should be met for successful implementation, e.g. sufficient knowledge of English or the reimbursement of additional costs for internet data volume for participation in digital working meetings on the Ugandan side. It also names strategies that can be helpful in dealing with challenges, such as conducting workshops to raise awareness on working in a project with participants from the Global South and North. The concept also contains information on which approach makes sense for the coordinating team, what the implementing organisations should pay attention to and which existing structures, services or programmes can be incorporated into the project. At the end of the concept there is information on the timetable and the cost plan, which is presented in three different versions.

more information on

german version


Format Informationsmaterial
Bildungsbereich schulische Bildung, Berufliche Bildung, Hochschule, Kommune, informelles/non-formales Lernen
Themen BNE/GL strukturell verankern, SDG 10 | Vielfalt, Partizipation, Menschenrechte, SDG 17 | Weltpolitik, internationale Zusammenarbeit, SDG 4 | Bildung für alle, Themenübergreifend


