Representing the paradigmatic match of science meets action meets science, the praxiSDG facilitation and coaching tandem Dr. Sylvia Maus, LL.M. und Dr. Martin Gerner, MBA embodies promising qualities for initiating, facilitating and coaching transformational learning in sustainability.
Interested in participating as a partner organization or as a new academic partner? Let’s interact; please contact us:! We are looking forward to hearing from you! Further information available under:!
Designed, commissioned and customized for different higher-education institutions, praxiSDG engages participants in a proactive, self-determined and experiential way through projects that live up to partner-organizations’ needs and expectations in a predefined scope. Hence, praxiSDG is understood as a next practice of learning and doing, which aims at enabling participants to strengthen and unfold their ability to transform as a basis for sustainability action.
Format | Buchbare Fort- und Weiterbildungen, außerschulischer Lernort, Sonstiges |
Bildungsbereich | schulische Bildung, Hochschule, Kommune, informelles/non-formales Lernen |
Themen | Themenübergreifend |
Kosten | nach Vereinbarung |
Dauer | rollierendes Studiensemester |
AnbieterprofilVerfügbar in den Landkreisen:
- Bautzen
- Chemnitz
- Dresden
- Erzgebirgskreis
- Görlitz
- Leipzig (Stadt)
- Leipzig
- Meißen
- Mittelsachsen
- Nordsachsen
- Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge
- Vogtlandkreis
- Zwickau
- Sachsenweit